Butterfly Rudbeckia: Cappucino by Renee's Garden

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Butterfly Rudbeckia: Cappucino

(Rudbeckia hirta)

Irresistible Cappuccino received the prestigious Fleuroselect award in Europe for beauty, productivity and top garden performance and we are proud to offer it here. These vigorous perennials produce gorgeous big flower faces in their first season with an array of beautiful bicolors in shades of red and yellow, warm mahogany, rich auburn and golden yellow. Sturdy and sun-loving, Cappuccino is both heat and drought tolerant. Butterflies adore the bright blossoms and they make long-lasting, festive cut flowers.
Seed Count: 55-60 / Weight: 40 mg


Summer/fall bloom
Frost hardy
USDA Zones 4 to 9


In spring, about 6 weeks before last expected frost date, sow seeds 1 inch apart in a containers of seed starting mix. Cover very lightly with mix, keep warm and moist, and provide a strong light source until seedlings are ready to plant out. Feed every 2 weeks with half strength fertilizer. Once seedlings are large enough to handle, transplant 2 to 3 inches apart into deeper containers or individual pots so root systems have room to develop. When plants are 3 to 4 inches tall, gradually acclimate to outdoor conditions. Plant out in the garden in full sun in well-drained, good soil 12 to 18 inches apart. Protect seedlings from slugs and snails while plants are young.


These sturdy tetraploid Rudbeckias are easy to grow, naturalize well and require little maintenance other than removing faded flowers for longest bloom. Once established, they can handle a wide range of weather conditions and will bloom stronger each season. Plants send up long stems of 3 to 4 inch daisy-shaped blossoms in an array of warm colors and bicolors beginning at midsummer.

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