Lavender Hidecote by Renee's Garden

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Scented Herbs: Lavender Hidcote

(Lavandula angustifolia ‘Hidcote’)

Our wonderful Hidcote has the lovliest perfume of all the English lavenders. The long blooming plants with their soft narrow silvery foliage and vivid, deep purple velvety calyxes make beautiful landscape plants. Cut and hang the richly scented flower spikes upside down in a cool place for fragrant long-lasting bouquets and sachets, or leave the blooms to charm your senses and attract a flotilla of summer butterflies. 


Seed Count: Approx. 205 / Weight: 0.15 gms


Summer/fall bloom
Frost hardy


In early spring, sow lavender seeds 1 inch apart in a container of seed starting mix, cover very lightly and keep at 65°F (18°C). Keep container moist but not soggy until seedlings slowly emerge over 14 to 25 days, providing a good light source. When seedlings have several sets of leaves, transplant 2 inches apart into deeper containers. Plant outside in a well-drained sunny spot when plants are 2 to 3 inches tall after gradually acclimating to outdoor conditions.


Space seedlings 18 inch OR TRANSPLANTes apart when large enough to handle.

Because perennial lavender’s small seeds germinate slowly and unevenly, we strongly recommend starting them indoors so you can tend them carefully. After seedlings are well established, plant them out in a sunny spot with excellent drainage and good air circulation or in big, well drained pots. If given excellent drainage and good air circulation, Hardy Hidcote lavender is perennial to Zone 5. Plants flower lightly the first season and come into full bloom by their second summer. After blooming season, prune and shape the plants while cutting off spent flower stalks.